Perry-Lecompton Elementary School
PLES Parent Teachers Conferences will be held on Wednesday, October 18th from 4:00-8:00 p.m. and Thursday, October 19 from 2:00-8:00. We are very excited to meet with you and share the hard work your students have invested in their education. Ms. Meta and Ms. Ronda have sent home the conference request form and will be compiling the schedules for both days. Prior to the conference days, families will receive a form detailing their conference times. Please remember, if you have a conflict with the day or time, families can email Meta (Email Meta Hetrick) or Ronda (Email Ronda Green) and they will be able to offer some alternatives. If you have any questions or concerns please let us know. We look forward to meeting with you.
Perry-Lecompton Middle School
Conferences this year for grades 5-8 will be by appointment only. At this time, we are only scheduling in-person conferences. The system will go live on Monday, October 9th, to allow parents to sign up for academic conferences. To create an appointment with our teachers, visit the USD 343 website (Perry-Lecompton USD). Click on the “Parent Teacher Conferences” link at the top of the page. Choose the appropriate building and date, then you may enter your student’s name and begin scheduling. If a time slot is already reserved, you will see a gray area and will not be able to schedule. If you don’t see a specific teacher listed under PLMS, please visit the PLHS list. Teachers can only be listed under one building. Please note only parents who sign up online will be guaranteed a meeting time with teachers. Parents who do not sign up will only have a conference scheduled if open slots are available or a parent fails to show up or cancels.
All PLMS staff will have their dinner break from 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM on both nights.
All grade-level conferences will be limited to 15 minutes
Perry-Lecompton High School
Conferences this year, for grades 9-12 will be by appointment only. Our fall conferences will feature our student's Individual Plans of Study (IPS) conferences, led by students. Teachers will begin reaching out starting on 9/27 to schedule these conferences. Parents may request an in-person conference or a conference via Zoom. The system will open for parents to sign up for academic conferences on Monday, October 9th.
To sign up for a conference, go to the USD 343 website, (Perry-Lecompton USD). Click on the Parent Teacher Conferences link at the top of the page. Click on the appropriate building and date, when you enter your student’s name please indicate if you prefer in-person or Zoom conferences, then begin scheduling. If the slot is already reserved, you will see a gray area and you will not be able to schedule this time slot. If you don’t see a specific teacher listed under PLHS, please visit the PLMS list. Teachers can only be listed under one building. Please note that only parents who sign up via the online sign-up procedure will be guaranteed a meeting time with teachers. Parents who do not sign up will only have a conference scheduled if open slots are available or a parent fails to show up or cancels.
All PLHS staff will have their dinner break from 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on both nights.
All grade-level conferences will be limited to 15 minutes.