USD 343 Mission and District Beliefs
Preparing students to become successful citizens.
District Beliefs
Our focus is on being a Unified school district.
Our schools must be centers of Opportunity.
Mastery of Reading and Math is fundamental to a quality education.
Involvement In Your School And Community is an important element in a quality school experience.
The success of our schools is accomplished because all stakeholders accept Responsibility.
For students to learn effectively, they must have a school environment that demands Respect For The Dignity And Safety Of The Individual.
The Effective Use and Appropriate Application Of Technology are essential for the success of our schools.
Good Citizenship and Respect For Country by staff and students are important cornerstones of our educational system.
Building a Strong Support System is a key to a child’s success.
USD 343 Board of Education Goals
Goal: Address facilities needs.
Focus: Improve efficiency, appearance, and maintenance of district facilities.
Goal: Increase school safety for students.
Focus: Review current Emergency Operations Procedures and update where needed.
Goal: Retain and recruit quality staff.
Focus: Provide a quality staff for USD #343 students.
Long-term focus areas identified and adopted:
Establish a long-term sustainable facility plan.
Develop a plan for needed growth.
Maximize district facility resources.
Recruit and retain quality staff.
Promote a positive image of the district which is enticing to new staff members.
Maintain a competitive salary for staff members.
Communicate to stakeholders.
Post current and supportive information to online sites.
Use the Broadcast Calling system and social media to provide timely information.
Continue to support college and career ready graduates.
Maintain on-line and college credit options for students.
Continue relationship with Washburn University Institute of Technology.