Employment Information


Our school district is always on the lookout for people in our communities who are interested in part time or full time employment. We often have jobs open up in the areas of food service, transportation, clerical work, and instructional support. If you think you might be interested in future openings or even occasional work as a substitute, please click on the following link to view all open positions.

Job opportunities in USD #343 (please check back often for updated job postings)

USD #343 does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin, ancestry, or age.

Substitute Teachers

Perry-Lecompton, USD #343, is always looking for reliable substitute teachers. If you are a substitute teacher or are interested in becoming a substitute teacher we are looking for you!

If you already have a current Kansas teaching license/Emergency substitute license, please contact Deb Brehm, Substitute Coordinator, at 785-360-2022 to start the application process to be a substitute for USD #343.

If you need to renew your Kansas teaching license, in order to substitute teach, you will need to go to the Kansas State Department of Education’s (KSDE) website at KSDE and follow their procedure to renew, as the State does not accept paper copies of applications to obtain a teaching license.  Once you have received your teaching license, contact Deb Brehm, Substitute Coordinator, at 785-360-2022 to begin the application process to be a substitute for USD 343.

If you are interested in being an Emergency Substitute, which is a substitute that has a bachelor’s degree or coursework unrelated to education (60 college credit hours), you will need to go to KSDE and follow the links to apply for an emergency substitute teaching license.  This website also has much more information about what is required to obtain an emergency substitute license and the various other licenses you can obtain to substitute teach in Kansas, such as fingerprinting, background checks, etc.  When your license is issued, please send a copy of it to Deb Brehm at the USD #343 District Office, at Email Deb Brehm , and she will walk you through the USD #343 application process.

By following this link:  Teacher Licensure you can find resources to help you pick the right license for you, and further explanation or assistance about the State’s application process to obtain a substitute license.  If you have specific questions about licensure, please refer to the KSDE website, or contact them at 785.291.3678.   If you have questions regarding the USD #343 application process to be a substitute after you have obtained your license, please contact Deb Brehm, Substitute Coordinator, at 785-360-2022.     


Perry-Lecompton USD 343 is a family-friendly district located within easy commuting distance of Lawrence and Topeka.  Our teaching team is focused on developing each student's potential through strong core curriculum, fine arts, athletics, and vocational classes.

Other information:

Salary is based on years of experience and education as specified in the Negotiated Agreement. Full experience will be given upon initial placement on the salary schedule. Health insurance benefits are also part of the contract. 

All vacancies are listed through KSDE on the Kansas Education Employment Board.  Interested applicants should complete the form on that website and attach a cover letter and resume.

Current salary schedule. 

USD #343 does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin, ancestry, or age.

Contact Information:

Perry USD 343
PO Box 729
Perry, KS 66073-0729


Jenny Herschell
Phone: 785.597.5138
Fax: 785.597.2254