Open Enrollment Procedures

New Non-Resident (Out-of-District) Enrollment Procedures as of 6/1/2024

If you are currently enrolled as an out-of-district student @ USD 343 - STOP!  You do not need to complete this out-of-district request. Current out-of-district students, who are in good standing, do not need to fill out an out-of-district request for 2024-2025. You are approved to continue at USD 343 as long as you remain a student in good standing. If you have questions about your child's status as a student in good standing, please contact your child's building principal. 

USD 343 will accept new nonresident students, as outlined in the attached information. Students living outside of the USD 343 boundary must formally apply for nonresident enrollment and use the application linked below. If your student is currently an out-of-district/nonresident student attending USD #343 and your student remains in “good standing” through the last regular day of attendance of the current school year, you are not required to complete an out-of-district/nonresident application for the next school year. Your student's enrollment has already been calculated into the projections, capacity, and seat availability. 

The completed application must be received by no later than June 30, 2024. All questions about nonresident enrollment shall be directed to Justin Dunnaway, Assistant Superintendent, 785-597-5138 or Email Justin Dunnaway